Ten Easy Ways to Be a Blessing

by | Aug 4, 2022 | Be a Blessing | 1 comment

Do you enjoy lists! I do. The following is a short list of blessings I’ve tried or received.

It is often the little acts of kindness that transform my day. I’d love to hear what blesses you.

  1. Smile and look someone in the eye.
  2. Wave at a passing car while on a walk in your neighborhood.
  3. Hold the door open for the person behind you.
  4. Tell a stranger something you like about him/her. Don’t just think it—say it!
  5. Pay for the coffee or meal of the person in line behind or ahead of you.
  6. If someone drops something, pick it up and return it.
  7. Listen.
  8. Offer a worker at your home a cool drink.
  9. Names are important. I jot a note in my smart phone, so I remember.
  10. Write a letter or mail a card to a friend or family member.

What blesses you? If you try one of the above actions, I’d love to hear the result.

You are fearfully and wonderfully made,

Sandy Lipsky


Household tip of the week

My mother-in-law knew how to fold a fitted sheet. She amazed me with the crispness of her corners.

This video would make her proud to see her legacy of excellence lives on.



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