Meet Sandy

Sandy Lipsky tries to sit still and compose the things God whispers in her ear. During the day she writes, teaches piano, and cares for her household. Nighttime finds her reading. Her first published article appeared in Focus on the Family and her newest contributions may be found in the devotional books Wit, Whimsy & Wisdom, and Snapshots of Hope & Heart. She enjoys Georgia weather and spending time with her husband, daughter, and new puppy Maple.

Sandy is a copycat.

If you look at the timeline of her life it mirrors her older sister’s. As the youngest of three, she wanted to be like her siblings. Admiration of her sister Lori led to sneaking into her closet as a child to borrow clothes, pursuing a love of music performance, and attending the same university.
Forced by her mom to choose a different major than Lori, Sandy pursued her second passion—science. In May of 1987, Sandy graduated from the University of Wisconsin-Madison with a Bachelor of Science Degree in Nursing. Married to her best friend and brother-in-law—she and her sister married brothers—Sandy began her vocation as an obstetric nurse. When her husband changed careers, the couple moved to Michigan where they adopted their daughter. Sandy delighted in being a stay-at-home mom.
Both sisters became music teachers and choir directors. When Lori left the music world to pursue writing, Sandy knew she would not follow.
Ten years later, Lori invited Sandy to a writer’s retreat. When Sandy said no, Lori didn’t back down. She pestered her younger sister until she relinquished. Sandy joined the writers group Lori suggested. After becoming a part of WordGirls she sent her first article for publication. Sandy still didn’t think she could write so she put out a fleece like Gideon in the Bible. God confirmed the call to share her stories when her first article about adoption was published in Focus on the Family.
Sandy can’t sit longer than fifteen minutes at a time. She enjoys preparing meals and taking long walks. She relaxes by practicing piano. Look for Sandy’s essays in the newest WordGirls compilation entitled Live & Learn.

'Best Humorous Devotion'

Lessons from a dog

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Be a Blessing

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