Blessing Challenge

by | Sep 14, 2022 | Be a Blessing

Do you like challenges? Sometimes I do. Hopefully this one will be fun.

Smile at a service person and ask a question. For example, ask if he or she has seen a good movie lately. Then listen.

Maybe you could engage the checkout person at the grocery store or gas station. What about the plumber that comes to fix your garbage disposal? Maybe converse with the waiter at your favorite restaurant. I encourage you to choose a moment when no one is behind you in line, or when the eatery is not busy. Remember the goal is to be a blessingšŸ˜Š.

Five more ways to be a blessing:

  1. Forgive. Recently I forgot a piano lesson. My student came to the house, but I wasnā€™t there. When her mom texted me, I apologized profusely. She forgave me immediately. Her response felt like a cool drink on a hot day.
  2. Watch someoneā€™s pet or offer to walk a neighborā€™s dog. A friend is having knee surgery next month. She has two dogs. Iā€™m feeling the need to ask her if I can walk her dogs while she recovers.
  3. Take a glass of ice water (or a favorite beverage) to someone who lives in your home. Anticipate the need. Why is this concept easier to remember with a stranger or guest?
  4. Do someone elseā€™s chore. You could incorporate this at home or at work. In our house, my husband takes out the trash. This week Iā€™ll try to beat him to it. šŸ˜Š
  5. Donā€™t multitask while talking to someone on the phone. The dishes, internet, and remote control can wait. People can tell when you are not focused on them. I stink at this.

Household tip from Sandy Lipsky: Easy way to clean scuff marks off a floor.









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