Joy of Obedience

by | Aug 5, 2022 | Little Maple Moments

I’m mad at my dog. The YouTube videos I watched on puppy training tried to prepare me for this emotion. How can this cute little fluff ball make me upset?


When Maple first arrived at our home, she was eight weeks old. Her training began immediately, and she astounded us with her brilliance. She sat with consistency from the first day. When we took her to the park, other dog owners expressed amazement at her listening skills.

At sixteen weeks a new dog arrived. Maple heads the opposite direction of me when called. I say sit and she runs. Yesterday I opened the door and she bolted down the driveway. My commands to stop did not deter her until I shrieked, “No.”

 What happened to our sweet baby?

I’ve discovered I’m like my dog. God gives me directions through his word. He loves me and wants me to have an abundant life. He rewards and blesses me richly. How do I respond? Sometimes I listen and sometimes I don’t. Why?

All I know is if Maple would obey me, my heart would overflow with joy. I would lavish wonderful things on her like toys and delicious food and a safe, comfortable place to sleep—wait a minute—I do that even when she’s naughty.

See what I mean. Maple and I are alike. Disobedient yet loved unconditionally. With patience and consistent instruction, there’s a good chance we both will learn the joy of obedience.

Below are a few of Sandy Lipsky’s favorite puppy training YouTube videos:

1. YouTube Video-McCann Dog Training 

2. Cesar Millan 

3. Zak George’s Dog Training Revolution

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