
by | Oct 20, 2022 | Little Maple Moments

I sat at the kitchen table and watched. She had never done this before. When my wits returned, I shouted “No.” Maple paused a moment and turned to look at me. When I didn’t say anything else she turned back to the gate. The metal bars were securely attached to the doorway between our eating area and family room. My husband purchased the moveable barrier to keep our little puppy contained in the kitchen. The reason was to protect her and our home when our eyes were focused elsewhere. For five months she seemed content to hang with me or by herself within the safe boundaries of the gathering room. I guess there comes a time when one needs to break free. Explore. Rebel?

 With her long pointy nose and right paw, she pulled the gate toward her and hopped through. The white, slotted door closed behind her. Maple didn’t run off. She laid down and looked at me from the other side. A simple change in perspective or perhaps something more?

“Walk a Mile in My Shoes” 

Walk Two Moons

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